Prab Singh heads Path 2 Admission, which provides life coaching to adolescents and supports families through the process of deciding their higher education and career goals. Path 2 Admission assists students on a rite of passage journey through this turning point in their lives. Prab has years of experience building start up companies, which required a tremendous ability to communicate, empower, and develop others. All of these experiences have led him to effectively reach people on a deeper level, help them articulate their goals and then successfully coach them in meeting those goals. Prab has been working with students since 2003 either directly or through a local coach. He works closely through regular activities and provides detailed feedback and advice through phone, email and Skype. Years of experience, extensive knowledge of colleges both in the US and other countries, and his continued relationships with students who have attended these colleges, puts Prab Singh in a unique position to advise students not just on their chances to get admissions, but more importantly on which colleges would be the best fit!